Imogen is qualified Level 3 in Early Years Educator and has a huge knowledge of child development and experience working with young children.
The Caterpillar room provides a home from home stimulating environment for our babies. It is our aim to ensure that all are babies feel safe and secure in their environment and receive an existent sense of belonging. In order to ensure that your child's home routine continues we work exceptionally close with you as parents and carers to fully understand your child's individual needs are met. Each child has their own storage drawer containing clothing, comforters, blankets and so on. We encourage parents to bring favourite toys, books and other items that they are familiar with to provide their child with an element of familiarity.
Natalie is highly qualified and holds a Level 3 in Children and Young People’s Workforce
Jazmyn is highly qualified and holds a Level 3 in Children’s Play, Learning and Development (Early Year’s Educator)
Saskia holds a Level 2 Early Years Educator qualification.
Emma is our baby room apprentice and is currently working towards her Level 2 Early Years Educator qualification.
Amy has just recently completed her Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification.
As and when the progress of your child dictates that they are ready to move up to the next stage and following consultation between parents and keyworkers, Cocoons will continue to promote skills already learnt and introduce new skills to your children working towards the EYFS curriculum. Activities and experiences will be planned following observations made by your child's key worker in order to facilitate your children's individual learning journey. We use specialist play equipment that has been designed to invite exploration and specially selected for quality and play value. This ensures that whatever your child chooses to play with, their learning and development will be supported and extended. The children have free access to many activities and experiences during their day as they are encouraged to progress and become more confident and independent through their play. The environment will facilitate all areas of the curriculum through mark making, creativity, construction, small world, books and magazines, role-play, sand and water and lots and lots of messy play! Play is becoming more purposeful in the Cocoon room and adult involved activities encourage development of language and literacy skills through shared social interactions, experiences and vocabulary. At this stage children begin to recognise symbols and language as conveying meaning.
Ree is highly qualified and holds a Level 3 in Children’s Play, Learning and Development (Early Year’s Educator)
Louise is highly qualified and holds a Level 3 in Childcare and Education
When your child progresses into the Butterfly room, the environment will equip them to further their curiosity, investigation and exploration, as they engage in experiences and experiments such as 'why does an ice-cube melt?' and 'if I mix yellow and blue, what colour can I make?'. Butterflies routine consist of indoor and outdoor continuous provision with opportunities for self-chosen activities, individually planned activities, set to challenge children's already acquired abilities and further enhance their development, one to one support and smaller or larger group times to support healthy social and emotional development. There will be a major emphasis on developing independence within the Butterfly room as children develop and prepare for the more structured formal education methods of primary school in order to assist fully with their individual transitions. Again all children have direct access to the state of the art outside area and the outdoor class room which allows children to acquire all the fresh air and sunlight they wish without being exposed to the elements.
Kayley has just recently completed her Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification
We also offer a before and after school and holiday club. Children from Reception through to age 8 can attend a variety of sessions. We arrange drop off to local schools for our children in before school club and arrange pick up from local schools for our after school children using our nursery car. Children aged Reception to age 8 can also attend our setting during half term and summer holidays for a full day or half day. Age appropriate activities are planned in accordance to the children we have each day.